GrandCoaching™ Seminar

The Standard for Grandparenting Encouragement

Posted on July 1, 2024

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

Without question, as we look at the dangerous influences on our grandchildren in society today, we Christian grandparents would strongly like to influence our grandsons and granddaughters away from these influences …

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Do We Speak the Same Language?

Posted on June 3, 2024

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

Julie offered Phyllis a warm greeting as the two friends picked up their lattes at the counter and moved to a booth to begin their weekly visit at their favorite coffee shop. After exchanging pleasantries, Phyllis s…

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Coaching Skills One and Two

Posted on May 1, 2024

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

It was a month to the day after Bill had introduced Rod, a faith-based life coach and life coach trainer, to the group who gathered each month to learn about some area of interest to seniors. Once again, the room was…

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Coaching Skill Number Two

Posted on April 1, 2024

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

Almost every seat in the meeting room in the Senior Resource Center was filled. A few stragglers were still doctoring their coffee or picking up a bottle of water, when Bill, the Center’s executive director, called…

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Math, Woke and Truth

Posted on March 1, 2024

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

“We’re desperate,” the voice on the other end of the phone told me. “The person I had plugged in to teach math and English just handed me a last-minute resignation. Is there any possibility you could teach for me th…

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Grandparents: Truth and Worldview

Posted on February 12, 2024

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

“Let me introduce my longtime friend, Dr. Thomas Lewis.” Bob began the evening as three couples met at the home of Bob and Susan for their weekly Bible study. “Last week we had quite a discussion on the subject…

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A Grandcoaching Adventure
Posted on January 8, 2024

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

Recently while I was speaking at a conference in Wisconsin, a grandmother came up to me and asked, “What can I do about all the bad things my grandchildren are being exposed to in public schools today, not to men…

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Ten Toxic Threats to Today's Grandchildren
Posted on December 14th, 2023

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

“It’s frightening, Don. I don’t know of any other way to describe it.”

Those were the words of pioneering Christian Apologist Josh McDowell as we discussed an upcoming Encouragement Live radio broadcast, dur…

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Grandparents Needed to Counter Cancel Culture
Posted on December 7th, 2023

By Don Hawkins, D. Min.

Most of us who are faith-affirming grandparents grew up with a great appreciation for the country in which we live. Ours is a land of freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, fre…

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Legacy of Faith: Empowering Youth to Embrace Christian Principles
Posted on August 16th, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, instilling timeless values in our youth has become more crucial than ever. The legacy of faith, intertwined with Christian principles, offers a beacon of hope and guidance for young individuals navigating t…

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Future Leaders: The Crucial Role Grandparents Play in Youth Development
Posted on July 17th, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of youth development, a force that often remains unsung but profoundly impactful is the role of grandparents. These wise and experienced individuals possess a unique potential to shape the future leaders of tomor…

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“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength.” - Philippians 4:13

The Bible tells us that we "all have sinned and fallen short of the God's glory" (Romans 3:23). The good news is: that's not the end of the story. God's only son, Jesus, was sent to our world to die for our sins (Romans 5:8; 1 Peter 2:24). All we have to do is believe in Him and we will have eternal life (John 3:16). If you want to know more about about Jesus and how He can change your life, let us know how we can encourage and pray for you.


Grandparents: Are you ready to create a lasting impact in your grandchild's life? Imagine being the steady hand that guides them through life's challenges and opportunities. It's a powerful role, and we're here to help you embrace it fully. By reaching out today, you're taking the first step on a transformative journey that will empower not only your family but also generations to come.