GrandCoaching™ Seminar

GrandCoaching™ Course Overview

Here is an overview of the GrandCoaching™ Course.

- What Is GrandCoaching™?

- Why Is GrandCoaching™ Necessary?

- Understanding the Role of Grandparent

The Biblical Foundation of Grandparenthood

- Teaching and Passing on Faith

- Providing Wisdom and Guidance

- Being a Source of Blessing and Encouragement

- Modeling a Godly Life

- Praying for Grandchildren

- Creating a Spiritual Legacy

- The Blessing of Grandparenthood

- Joy and Fulfillment

- Wisdom and Guidance

- Spiritual Influence

· Blessing and Encouragement

- Creating a Legacy

- Intercessory Prayer

- Grandparents Should Be a Source of Unconditional Love and Support

- Engage in Conversations That Mean Something, Not Just “Chit-Chat”

- The GrandCoaching™ Pyramid of Relationships

- Josh McDowell’s “The Seven A’s”

Young people today face a growing list of cultural and philosophical and spiritual challenges that their grandparents never would have imagined. 

Young people have always struggled with peer pressure, alcohol and drug abuse, now increasing numbers of cases of young people who are facing mental health disorders such as loneliness, suicidal thoughts, fear, depression, and trauma. Cultural changes such as gender confusion, woke ideologies, and increasing political strife are contributing to their anxiety.

The GrandCoaching™ Course presents sample questions to help engage grandchildren in discussions about what pressures they face.

- How to Know What You Believe

- How to Share It With Your Grandchildren

- Encourage Critical Thinking and Apologetics

- Model a Faithful Life

- Pray for and With Your Grandchildren

- The Biblical Basis of Coaching

- Basic Coaching Skills

- The Skill of Empathetic Listening

- The Six W’s

- Josh McDowell’s “Right vs Wrong: Making Moral Decisions”

- Caring Communication

- Sharing Your Faith With Your Grandchild

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength.” - Philippians 4:13

The Bible tells us that we "all have sinned and fallen short of the God's glory" (Romans 3:23). The good news is: that's not the end of the story. God's only son, Jesus, was sent to our world to die for our sins (Romans 5:8; 1 Peter 2:24). All we have to do is believe in Him and we will have eternal life (John 3:16). If you want to know more about about Jesus and how He can change your life, let us know how we can encourage and pray for you.


Grandparents: Are you ready to create a lasting impact in your grandchild's life? Imagine being the steady hand that guides them through life's challenges and opportunities. It's a powerful role, and we're here to help you embrace it fully. By reaching out today, you're taking the first step on a transformative journey that will empower not only your family but also generations to come.