GrandCoaching™ Seminar

Course Outline

Here are synopses of each of the GrandCoaching™ Course sessions

In this course, you will use the time-honored and tested principles of Life Coaching in the framework of the Christian worldview. The Master Life Coaching Training Institute has seen the change brought about in people who are looking for change—in themselves, in their relationships, in their work, and in their connection with God. Our prayer is that you will use these principles and techniques to reach out to your children and grandchildren in such a way that they too will have a closer relationship with their family members, friends, and the God who created them in His image.

Video: "Welcome to the GrandCoaching Journey"

Throughout this and other sections of the Course, you will be blessed and enlightened by videos featuring Josh McDowell, a respected Christian apologist and evangelist, whose ministry has, to a great extent, focused on youth and young adults. His videos provide a mixture of theology and practical application — a perfect combination for your own spiritual growth and the communications you will have with your grandchildren! In this section, we are guided through the history of how we have arrived at the place where we need to seriously look at the future facing our grandchildren —and ourselves.

Video: "Naturalism, Pantheism, Islam and Moralistic Therapeutic Deism"

What is a worldview? Simply put, it is how we try to make sense of the vastness of everything that is personal, religious, political, and unique to us. It is, in essence, what we perceive to be true about ourselves and everyone else amid the circumstances of life. The video in this module breaks it all down for us, so it is easier to understand.

Josh McDowell Video: "Right From Wrong: What Is the Original When Defining Truth?"

Maybe that question rings a bell for you. Recall the exchange between Jesus and Pontius Pilate in John 18:37, when Pilate asked Jesus "What is truth?" We remember when Jesus famously (and decisively) declared, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." (John 14:6). In today's world, our children and grandchildren often hear about "your truth" or "my truth" as opposed to THE truth. There is a silo of good information on the subject of TRUTH--past and present--in the videos that accompany this section.

Josh McDowell Videos: "Bible Fact Fiction or Fallacy - Can You Know Truth?" / "Bible Fact Fiction or Fallacy - I Am the Truth" / "Bible Fact Fiction or Fallacy - What Is History?"" / Bible Fact Fiction or Fallacy - Does Truth Constantly Change?"

Well, can we? How do we know that? Like us, our grandchildren are going to be bombarded with questions about their faith and their beliefs, and if their answer is “Because the Bible tells me so,” they are going to need to be prepared to explain why the Bible can be trusted! Is the Bible factual, or is it filled with fallacies, fantasies, or just plain fiction? Do Bible truths change as a result of scientific, historical, and societal influences? Or is the Bible true in spite of those changes?

Josh McDowell Videos: “Bible: Fact, Fiction, or Fallacy—True or Changing?” / “Bible: Fact, Fiction or Fallacy—Historiography”

Christian Discipling involves more than just dialogue. It implies a relationship of respect, learning, and submission—an attitude of “teachability” is essential. Furthermore, the ultimate goal of discipling is to change behavior, not simply communicate content. We define it as “Life-changing learning in the context of relationship that leads to Christlikeness.” Ultimately, those who become full-grown or mature will be more like the disciple, coach, or teacher. The implications for discipling, or coaching, today are clear. When we disciple or coach, our goal is to produce Christ-likeness in those we mentor—our grandchildren.

Video: “The Link Between Discipleship and Life Coaching”

In John 17, Jesus provided the perfect Example as he taught his disciples: in John 17:6, “I have manifested Your Name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world” (v. 6).

The Apostle Paul taught the importance of Evangelism: “For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect” (1 Cor. 1:17).

And Jesus made Intercessory prayer a key element in discipling His men—and He wasn’t hesitant to let them know it. In the Upper Room, knowing that within a short time he would deny Him, Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, Satan has desired you that he may sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith not fail.” Prayer is the unseen element that fuels the process of discipleship with our grandchildren.

Video: “Six Steps of Discipleship Part 1”

We have been called to disciple the Lord’s sheep (our grandchildren) in a dangerous world. Encouragement is one of the most essential ingredients for successful discipling or life coaching. You must encourage your grandchildren along the way if your coaching is to be effective.

Edification, or building up His disciples through scripture-based teaching, is how Jesus prepared His men before returning to His Father in heaven. The Master explained that an important part of discipling His men involved providing them with a resource to let them know exactly what He wanted them to do in every situation, one that would equip them with both protection and firepower in the face of the enemy—the Word of God.

During one of the last times He met with his disciples before ascending into heaven, the Lord made discipling the focus of what we know as “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18–20). While the Lord wants to meet our needs and solve our problems, His ultimate desire is that we be committed to serving Him by reaching out (Extension) to those—particularly our grandchildren—who need the life-giving message of faith in Jesus, as well as helping those who know Christ move forward in their faith journey.

Video: “Six Steps of Discipleship Part 2”

When you coach by asking cultivating questions, as opposed to the “Let me tell you...” approach, you open the mind and heart of the grandchild you are coaching and enable the Biblical values and principles you are communicating to penetrate and take root. Thus, your grandchild will be less susceptible to the moral and spiritual “weeds” they are hearing from the world around them.

Videos: “Asking Cultivating Questions” / “Jesus and Asking Questions”

The concept of the Six W’s comes primarily from the field of journalism, though it is used across multiple fields involving research, investigation, and information gathering. These represent the relevant questions that must be answered to consider the information we are seeking. Specifically, the Six W’s are: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? And yes, the sixth “W” actually starts with an “H.” These questions are sometimes known as 5W1H. Learning to use the Six W’s in your questioning is a good technique to help verify that you are capturing all the important facts related to any topic you are discussing with your grandchildren.

Video: “The Six W’s”

In virtually any discipline, the development of certain essential skills is of vital importance. For the Christian life coach, the Number One skill is empathetic listening. James 1:19 reminds us of the importance of being “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” Empathetic listening involves a focused attentiveness to discern what is being said as well as the observation of non-verbal communication. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus often employed this skill in communicating with his disciples and others.

Two additional skills will facilitate successful coaching: caring communication and purposeful planning. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 provides a framework of ways to communicate with individuals based on their specific needs and situation, and Proverbs 25:11 underscores the value of “words fitly spoken.” Scripture is clear that the Christian life is lived by putting others before yourself. Though it may be counterintuitive, people who put others first tend to be happier and more satisfied than those who put themselves first. True happiness comes when you: 1) Put Jesus first; 2) Put others second; and 3) Put yourself last. This is an important skill when mentoring your grandchildren.

Video: “Empathetic Listening”

At times, as coaches we may be tempted to express impatience with the person we are coaching. May we remember the fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5:22–23: “love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control.” May we allow the Spirit to control our communication with our grandchildren so it will demonstrate caring compassion.

Video: “Caring Communication and Purposeful Planning”

This section explores the development of a useful plan the coach will use with those being coached. Typically, the coach will begin by helping the one being coached understand his or her present state. This will be followed by what we identify as P.A.T.H.—an assessment of Passion, Abilities, temperament, and History. The coach will aid in exploring how to find God’s life purpose, provide motivation through effective goal-setting, encourage the grandchild being coached, and hold them accountable, all while monitoring their progress and providing constructive feedback.

Video: “Basic Coaching Process”

The ultimate issue when it comes to coaching our grandchildren is to help them make decisions about what is right and wrong. As Josh McDowell points out in the video featured in this module, the Bible is the ultimate authority. May God enable us to utilize the coaching skills and processes, building on the Biblical foundation we have examined, so that we will be able to coach our grandsons and granddaughters to be able not only to distinguish right from wrong but to choose what is right.

Josh McDowell Video: “Right vs Wrong: A 4-Step Process for Making Moral Choices”

The prefix ortho is translated from the Greek language and means “straight”. Think of orthodontists (straight teeth) and orthopedics (straight bones). “Dox” is from the Greek for teaching. So, put them together, and orthodox would signify “straight teaching.” In other words, that which is non-negotiable, foundational, and biblical That which has come from Jesus, and then through the apostles, and is contained within the Word of God to stray from these teachings would be to abandon the tenets of the Christian faith. Cults have done this.

Josh McDowell Videos: “The Attributes of God, Parts 1–4”

Christian life coaches have been entrusted as stewards of the truths of God's Word. What God expects of each coach is faithfulness in that stewardship—faithfulness in handling the Word and faithfulness in living according to the Word. From the very beginning of the development of this course, our prayer has been that you, as a grandparent (or great-grandparent!), will feel more confident and better equipped to communicate with the young people in your life as they navigate the dangerous and uncertain waters of these times. As you have worked through this Course and seen for yourself how Christian coaching techniques can be of real help to your grandchildren and others, your interest may have been piqued in becoming a Christian life coach yourself.

Video: “More Opportunities for Learning”

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength.” - Philippians 4:13

The Bible tells us that we "all have sinned and fallen short of the God's glory" (Romans 3:23). The good news is: that's not the end of the story. God's only son, Jesus, was sent to our world to die for our sins (Romans 5:8; 1 Peter 2:24). All we have to do is believe in Him and we will have eternal life (John 3:16). If you want to know more about about Jesus and how He can change your life, let us know how we can encourage and pray for you.


Grandparents: Are you ready to create a lasting impact in your grandchild's life? Imagine being the steady hand that guides them through life's challenges and opportunities. It's a powerful role, and we're here to help you embrace it fully. By reaching out today, you're taking the first step on a transformative journey that will empower not only your family but also generations to come.